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What is the Alexander Technique?


The Alexander Technique is an immensely powerful self-help tool that heightens presence in daily living. It can be employed to help people develop a stronger mind-body connection. This inadvertently makes all activities more meaningful. The technique is a way for people to let go of habits that are no longer useful or constructive. It can be learned through private, one-on-one lessons, or group classes. 


What are the benefits of the Alexander Technique?


There are endless benefits to learning the Alexander Technique. These, amongst others, include


  1. Pain management: Most commonly, the technique helps people manage chronic, or acute, pain. These might include back or neck pain, or pain arising as a result of a previous injury or accident.

  2. Prevention: The technique can also be a strong preventive tool in avoiding injury or stress.

  3. Performance: Artists, athletes, and sports-people, often employ the technique to enhance their performance capacity.

  4. Poise: While AT practitioners avoid using the word posture, the method can help people find more poise when going through their day-to-day lives. This is done by improving what is called the pupil's use, which can be considered as a dynamic form of posture.

  5. Personal relationships: The technique can be used by people to get more in touch with their emotional and spiritual selves. This, inadvertently, makes all relationships more fruitful.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. I have no pain or stress. I am also not a performer. Can I still come for a lesson?

Absolutely! One of the best things about the technique is its inclusivity. Even if you don't have an underlying issue, you can come to a lesson to feel more whole i.e. to find more peace and tranquility in your life. The technique is essentially about learning how to learn: a skill we can all benefit from. 

2. How long is an AT lesson? 

Private AT lessons are usually about 30 minutes in length.

3. What happens in a lesson?

The average AT lesson involves the teacher using his or her hands to direct the pupil through various activities. These can vary from general activities such as sitting, standing, and lying down, to more specific ideas like playing an instrument. The teacher also gives certain thoughts for the pupil to consider in the form of words while they are being worked on.

4. How do I prepare for a lesson?

You don't necessarily need to prepare for your first AT lesson. Just showing up on time and having an open mindset to learn is sufficient. Subsequent lessons might require you to do some homework to progress. Carrying a pen and writing material can be useful to jot down some thoughts after the lesson.

5. Can I learn AT in a group?

Yes. While private lessons are the traditional way, one can learn the technique in groups as well. Group lessons involve the teacher guiding the pupils through various activities or challenges, to help them improve their coordination. Both private and group methods have their benefits and challenges, and it is usually advised for people to experience both over time. 

6. If this technique is so revolutionary, why have I not heard of it yet?

The Alexander Technique was developed by an Australian actor and was primarily developed in London. It is a relatively new phenomenon in the Eastern world. A simple Google search will help you realize that the technique is reasonably popular in Western countries. 

7. Can we say that the Alexander Technique is another form of yoga?

While there are overlaps between yoga and AT, the Alexander Technique is more universal in its scope. It is, in many ways, a pre-technique that one can apply to their yoga practice. That being said, both practices acknowledge the psychophysical unity of the individual and are about strengthening the mind-body connection.

8. Is the Alexander Technique a form of therapy?

No. The Alexander Technique is an educational tool that can have therapeutic effects. Many, or even most, people come out of an AT lesson feeling calmer, lighter, and happier. However, that is not the primary intention of the lesson.

9. Okay, I am interested How do I register for a lesson?

You can book a series of private lessons (3 minimum) or request group lesson by writing to me through the contact page. Feel free to also reach out to me with any questions that are not mentioned above. I look forward to embarking on this beautiful journey with you!

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