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Sagart: Ceann-Iuil (Pathfinder)

I am an initiated/ ordained Sagart: Ceann-Iuil (Pathfinder) in the Sagh'ic animist tradition. Through this work, I assist people in healing from their traumas, injuries, and grievances. By connecting to the ancestral spirits and to the spirit of the Universal Creator (Tei), we can find greater harmony, peace, and unity in all aspects of our lives. 


The word Animism comes from the word 'anima', which translates to breath. Animism is about recognising that we are always in relationship to everything and everyone around us. By working on these relationships, we are able to find more wholeness in our lives. While most people might be more familiar with the term Shamanism, Animism practice actually precedes Shamanism. In fact, all religions are considered the grandchildren of Animism, which is considered older than time iteslf. 



Apart from rituals and ceremonies for specific intentions, I offer a range of specific services. These include, but are not limited to, drum circles, house blessings, intrusion removal, resonance (soul retrieval) and ancestral work. I also offer individual consultations for people who are seeking answers and looking for guidance. In all work, I simply serve as the vessel for the spirits and am led by those that came before me. 

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